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Stress busters: Food edition

Writer: Swadh RestaurantSwadh Restaurant

Are your work deadlines beginning to pile up? Have exams going on? It can be very easy to pick up bags of junk food during these times and stress eat. Why not indulge yourself in more healthier alternatives and relieve some stress at the same time?

Here are a few things that can help you become calm and take on your everyday tasks with more energy.

1. Herbal Tea Helps Promote Feelings of Warmth and Calmness

Sometimes it's the feeling that food or drinks induce, not their nutrients, that helps reduce stress. Drinking a warm cup of tea is one way to help make yourself feel calmer. It is observed that holding and sipping a warm beverage increases feelings of interpersonal “warmth” and friendliness. There's a soothing effect of sipping a warm drink, regardless of the flavor — but certain herbs, like lavender and chamomile, have been shown to have a relaxing effect on their own.

2. Dark Chocolate Offers an Antioxidant-Rich Indulgence

Dark chocolate in the diet can reduce stress in two ways — via its chemical impact and its emotional impact. Chocolate feels like such an indulgence that it can be a real treat to simply savor a piece of it, and that feeling alone can help to reduce stress, says Meyerowitz.

Dark chocolate, which is rich in antioxidants, may also help reduce stress by lowering levels of stress hormones in the body, according to a study that followed participants who ate about 1.5 ounces (oz) per day for two weeks.

3. Whole Grains Provide a Mood-Boosting Way to Carbo-Load

According to prior research, carbohydrates can temporarily increase levels of serotonin, a hormone that boosts mood and reduces stress. Once serotonin levels are increased, people under stress have better concentration and focus. Just make sure to choose healthy, unrefined carbohydrates, like sweet potatoes and whole grains, for better nutrition, and limit simple carbs, such as cookies, cake, and “white” foods, including white pasta and white bread. Unrefined carbs cause a quick spike and crash of blood sugar, while complex carbs contain vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, and so take longer to digest and have less of an immediate impact on blood sugar.

4. Fish Can Boost Your Heart Health While Fending Off Stress

Fight stress and help prevent heart disease by adding seafood to your plate. Fatty fish in particular are a great option because they’re heart-healthy, and their omega-3s may help ease depression because the nutrients easily interact with mood-related brain molecules, according to the Harvard Health Blog. Fatty fish include tuna, halibut, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, and lake trout, according to the American Heart Association.

Not a fish fan? There are other whole-food options, like seaweed, chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, and fortified food, such as certain brands of eggs, milk, soy milk, and nut milk.

5. Blueberries can definitely cure the blues

If you're already a carb lover, it's likely that nothing can come between you and a doughnut when stress hits. The antioxidants and phytonutrients found in berries fight in your defense, helping improve your body's response to stress. Research has also shown that blueberry eaters experience a boost in natural killer cells, "a type of white blood cell" that plays a vital role in immunity, critical for countering stress.

So what are you waiting for? Go get yourself a bowl of blueberries and munch them down while you work!



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